Economic & Market Report: Investment Market Battle Lines

The volatility across capital markets continues. Following a great summertime stretch, U.S. stocks have been tumbling to the downside since the start of August. As for the bond market, it was just three months ago in mid-July when the 10-Year U.S. Treasury yield rallied its way back to 3.75% before fast tracking its way up to 5.00% in the time … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Forests Over Trees

Global financial markets are shrouded in uncertainty, and the risks to the downside remain pronounced. Stocks continue to waver amid a difficult stretch dating back to the end of July. And bond yields continue to spike to levels last seen nearly two decades ago. While it is reasonable that investors may wish to recoil amid the swirling geopolitical and market … Read More

Economic & Market Report: The Market Impact of War

The world was shaken this past weekend by the sudden and unexpected outbreak of war in Israel. As we continue to watch closely as the geopolitical and humanitarian crisis unfolds, it is also understandable to wonder about the potential impact on capital markets going forward. And history provides a useful guide to our understanding of what to expect from here. … Read More

Economic & Market Report: How Low Can You Go?

The period from mid-August to mid-November is a notorious time of year for capital markets. The pithy investment strategy “Sell in May and go away” is based on the idea of avoiding this stretch of time of year in stocks and picking back up after Halloween. And 2023 has been no exception in this regard. While U.S. stocks had a … Read More

Q4 Outlook: Stocks & Bonds

It has been an interesting and eventful year so far. Heading into 2023, it was widely expected that the U.S. was headed toward recession and that the equity markets would face continued volatility amid the uncertain economic outlook. But in the nine months since, we’ve seen a resilient U.S. economy that continues to grow at a healthy rate and a … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Seeing Red

It’s back. After spending much of the year watching pricing pressures abate, investor concerns are rising about a renewed rise in inflation. It’s easy to see why – U.S. economic growth has been much more resilient than expected, the labor market remains tight, wage pressures are rising, and oil prices are spiking to the upside. And summing all investor fears, … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Leaves Turning Brown

The U.S. stock market continues to hold its ground as summer gradually turns to fall across capital markets.  While the headline benchmark S&P 500 Index has been middling at best since the end of July, its overall performance over the past year has been impressive and if anything stocks are continuing to hold their ground following particularly strong early summer … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Inflation, The Sequel

It was a blockbuster forty years in the making.  Following its first breakout hit since the late 1970s, the burst of inflation that has defined the early 2020s has increasingly been coming down the other side of the mountain.  Stocks have found comfort throughout this year as the pricing craze has increasingly faded into to the background.  But reminiscent of … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Why Bonds? Why Now?

The U.S. stock market has had a banner year so far.  The S&P 500 is higher by double-digits year-to-date, and what was shaping up to be a lousy August has been surging back toward breakeven as the month draws to a close.  But while stocks continue to mend following a particularly difficult 2022, the bond market rebound has been far … Read More

Economic & Market Report: Red Alert

The U.S. stock market has hit a rough patch in recent weeks. Just as notable has been the sharp rise in U.S. Treasury yields over the past month. While it is understandable for U.S. investors to look inward in seeking explanations for why both stocks and bonds are performing poorly as of late despite a domestic economy that remains solid … Read More